Art Every Day for Everyone
We’re all about bringing the finest public art to the City of Newport News that educates, transforms, and inspires our community… and we’re looking to you for help.
The great advantage of our collection is that it’s always free, always out in the open where everyone can enjoy it at any time — no ticket to buy. That means, though, no admission revenue to help pay expenses — to add new sculpture and care for existing pieces, to reach out with information that helps the public enjoy the art around them, to connect local schools with this valuable educational resource.
We can strengthen our community’s quality of life only with the community’s support.
Please help — and, as you go about the city, enjoy knowing that you’re helping make great art part of this great community.
Methods of Giving
All contributions are tax-deductible.
Use your credit or debit card safely and easily by donating through PayPal. Important: If you want your donation to go towards a specific sculpture project or in honor or memory of a loved one, make sure you click on “Add special instructions” on the donation review page to specify. If you skip this step, your donation will used where the Foundation decides the funds are needed.
Send a check payable to the Newport News Public Art Foundation to:
Newport News Public Art Foundation
PO Box 12015
Newport News, Virginia 23606
If your employer matches employee gifts, we’ll be happy to work with you to make it happen.
Contact our office at (757) 369-3014 or [email protected] for more information.
Contact our office at (757) 369-3014 or [email protected].

Who Makes it Happen?
Our Supporters!
Thank you for helping us make Newport News an appealing place to live, work, visit and do business.
City, Grant, and Foundation Sponsors
Noland Edwards Family Foundation
Rotary Club of Newport News Foundation
Virginia Commission for the Arts
Stallings Family Foundation ~ in memory of Rebecca Wheaton
Business Sponsors
Beth Moore & Associates, CPAs
Daily Press
East Coast Turf
Go Green Electric
Hampton Roads Crane & Rigging Co.
Identity Sign Builders, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Jo Louise Designs
OLE Outdoor Living Experts
PMA Architecture
Pop Shop by Jo Louise
Port Warwick Conservancy
Silverman Furs & Outerwear
Steve Jensen, Inc.
TAM Consultants
Travinia Italian Kitchen
Joan Aaron
Mrs. Richard Abbitt
Abbitt Family Foundation
Dr. Sallie Tucker Allen in memory of Charles C. Allen
Alpha Delta Kappa Alpha Pi chapter
Nancy Ambersley
Cassandra L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold II
Khalilah Atkinson
Ann Barber
Kevin and Sarah Barber
The Honorable and Mrs. Herbert H. Bateman, Jr.
David and Wanda Blalock
Ward Blalock
Caitlin Blomstrom
James and Courtney Boone
Larry and Sandy Bridgman
Madonna Brink
Charles and Gloria Brooks
Suzanne Brooks in memory of Dr. George W. Brooks
Ms. Terry Bryan
Randy and Susan Bryant
Dennis and Mary Lou Bryson
James and Jennifer Burnett
Jennifer Brown
Georgia A. Buxton
Michael F. Carpenter
Danny Carroll
Gary and Linda Charter
Bill and Allison Clock
Kelley Cody
Susan Cole
Sylvia Weinstein Craft in honor of Bill Craft
Cherry Croushore
Susanne Daley
Libby and Buddy David in memory of John Hightower
Ruth Deibler
The Honorable Alan and Beverly Diamonstein
Richard Donaldson, Jr.
Michael and Robin Doucette
James and Mary Lee Dunn
Anne Noland Edwards
Bob and Patty Feely
James and Christine Ferguson
Ms. Rebecca Fitchett
Ms. Anne P. Fitzhugh in memory of Susan Noland
Dr. Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda and Mr. Patricio Gomez-Foronda
Joe and Jane Susan Frank
Patricia Franklin
Bobby and Vicki Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freeman, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Garrett
Gordon and Judy Gentry
C. Delp and Donna L. Givens
Rob and Susan Goetz
Goggins Family
Irving Goldstein
Irving B. “Chip” Goldstein, Jr.
Pax and Melissa Goodson
Royden and Martha Goodson
Carlyle Gravely
Elliot Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall
Mark Hanna
Jo Louise Harding
Charles L. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris
Susan H. Harris
Dr. and Mrs. William O. Harris III
Judge and Mrs. James H. Harvell III
Isabel Hatchett
Derry Haywood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Herbert
Marty Hightower
Ms. Debra Hill
John and Margie Holt
John and Nancy Horgan
Steve and Samantha Howell
Richard W. Hudgins in memory of Barbara Hudgins
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hutchens, Sr.
Evelyn P. Hutchens
Dr. and Mrs. George Jacobs
Tommy Kay
Herbert Kelly, Jr.
Martha Kelly
Vonnie Keyser
Dr. Ashby Kilgore
George and Florence Kingston
Steven and Mary Kate Kitay
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall C. Jones
Mrs. Margaret A. LaBell in memory of her husband Oldric J. LaBell, Jr.
Betsy and Bob Lackey in memory of Walter Wildman
Dr. and Mrs. St. George Lee
Drs. Wayne and Rebecca Lett
Bill and Jane Liepis
Diana LoVecchio
Alicia Lurie
Penny Lurie
Anna Lyman
Dr. and Mrs. William McAllister IV
Bill and Ford McFall
Dr. and Mrs. Brian McKee
Kevin and Renee McKelvey
Epes McMurran
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Meadows
Thomas W. and Cindy Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mertz
Janet M. Millard in memory of Karen T. Morgan
Pam and Gary Minter
Dan and Lorri Montgomery
Ed and Beth Moore
Dr. José M. Morey
Thomas E. Morris, M.D.
Margaret Mumford
Dr. and Mrs. Allan Murphy
Mary C. Neale
Mr. and Mrs. James Neff
Douglas Nelson and Susan Mackel
Jane O’Hara
Mike and Kippe O’Neil
DeVeda Scales Owens
Sandy Parks in memory of Dr. William R. Parks
Sharon Parrish
Michael Piercy and Wendy Drucker
Frances Pearce
Mary and David Peebles
Mike and Nancy Petters
Kathleen Pietrasanta
Drs. Christina and Henry Prillaman
Bryant and Dawn Ramirez
Douglas Baker and Julie Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Rauch
Tony and Missy Reed
Judith Rheinstrom
Barbara and Neal Rosenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Romine
Chris and Kim Rumsey
Drs. Katherine and Jackson Salvant
Mr. and Mrs. William Saunders
Ward R. Scull III
Ms. Shelly Simonds and Dr. Paul M. Danehy
Henry and Jilla Singleton
Eleni Siokis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silverman
Louisa Slagle
Kathryn Sheehan Smith
Howard Smith
Steve Spain
Charles R. Spencer, Jr.
Scott and Beth Stabler
Jeff and Katie Stodghill
Dr. and Mrs. Parker Stokes
John and Sara Streker
Tim and Beverly Supler
John and Sara Tartala
Patricia VonOhlen
Jeff and Joan Verhoef
Mary S. Waddill
Mr. and Mrs. George Wall, Jr.
Hampton and Elise Wall
Phyllis Wallace
Jackie and Thomas Wash
Howard and Sandy Waters
Carolyn Webb
Linda Wei
Harvey Weinstein
Tom Wessells
Col. (Ret) and Mrs. James D. Wessler
Walter and Mary Ellen Wildman
McKim Williams, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William O. Harris III
Virginia Fitzhugh Wilson and Christopher Wilson
Suzanne Wiltgen
Alan and Debbie Witt
The Woman’s Club of Newport News
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wood